
Thursday, December 27, 2012

12/27/12-Well Christmas is over.  I've had a 10 day vacation and I only have 3 days left. It's been a very relaxing and productive 7 days so far. I fixed my computer and printer problems, so I can now post my submissions for the Dares and Challenges. I still worked on stuff I was just unable to submit them for a week or so. I could look up on my IPAD and see what they were. The month of December has been very busy, my twins(Yes I have twin boys at home-adopted Grandsons ) turned 16 on 12/16/12 so they are now driving. That added 2 more vehicles (more insurance) to my front yard to keep cleaned out in all this snow. I now have more worries than ever. Christmas was enjoyed by all.  Santa was very generous this year. I've added a new page recently My Daily tangles and also a couple photo cubes one on the top right and one on the bottom left of my pages. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them. I also added a Bookshelf of Zentangle book from Amazon. I have most of these titles and really enjoy them.

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